Inside world: getting on bus old legs hurting

getting on the bus
old legs hurting with each step
then the driver smiled

Transportation is about physical connection: places and distance, roads and bridges, concrete and steel, speed and space, money and tools, flattening and building, expertise and power, and vehicles that for the most part might as well be empty.

Mobility by contrast is about another kind of connection. People. The inside world of transportation. Each time an entirely personal experience.  Each person, each time, very different.

What about trying this?: To invent and invite here  occasional very short poems or “fleeting reflections”, each setting out to capture a momentary experience  the many and different of us  may live or observe in one nano-second in our largely hidden personal world of mobility.

The  above I observed just this morning when an elderly lady directly before me in the queue made her way with some difficulty  up the steps of the bus.

And oh yes, she smiled back.

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– – > More on Inside World:


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