World Streets 2.0 – New Look

magnifying glassSince World Streets was taken by assault last week by something like 4000 hits as a result of our article announcing and providing some strategic commentary of the Paris project in which they are committed to reduce speeds to the top limit of 30 Kph page through the entire city – click here if you have not yet seen it – we ended up taking a good critical look at our website, the good, the bad and the frankly ugly,  and decided to do some fairly radical spring cleaning. So if you click today to today, you will see our new look.

The site is quite a large one with more than 1200 original postings and twice as many graphics and comments. So as you can well imagine it can be pretty easy to get lost in such a mass. Fortunately we have taken advantage of a quite handy nest of Search functions which you will find explained here.

The new site also makes, we believe, a more inviting read, closer to a book than most websites. Have a look, and in particular check out the sliding menu to your left (click the + sign) which introduces the key elements of the site and the possibility of pretty serviceable translations in a compact space .

You also may wish to check it out on your tablet or smartphone, for which the site has been optimized. Today when an increasing number of us tend to spend more time reading selected items on a tablet or smartphone as opposed to trying to read an entire piece on our computer in the office, this is a useful advance.

We would like to invite you to have a look and tell us what you think, and what else we might do to make the site more useful and rich. An email to, a phone call to +336 5088 0787, or a Skype call to newmobility (one word) would do the trick.

Thank you for eventually sharing your thoughts with us.

Eric Britton, Editor

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eb-bio note  + creative commons 1jun14


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